How do I make my customer product limits tab visible on my account page?

Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce How do I make my customer product limits tab visible on my account page?

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  • #100922

    I would like to show my customers the product limits tab in their my account page as mentioned in the description. Unfortunately, when I go to woocommerce -> settings -> maximum products per user -> frontend, I only have the following options:

    • validate on add to cart
    • customer message
    • block checkout page
    • reset stettings

    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!



    Can you please make sure you are using the latest version of the plugin v 3.6.2


    Thanks! That worked. Is it possible to show the remaining amounts per category to the users?


    Hi Philipp,

    In the plugin’s settings Frontend > My account tab > Tab content you can use the shortcode


    You can use the shortcode above with HTML

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