How do you position the Open price widget?

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  • #99543
    nick lima


    Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) for WooCommerce.

    How do you position the Open price widget. At the moment its butted against the ADD TO CART. I want to position it above the add to cart button?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Nick,

    Sorry for the late reply. Actually, position (i.e. hook) we are using to output open pricing input field is woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button, so it’s outputted before the “Add to cart” button. If you are seeing it on same level as button, please try wrapping it in <div> tag. I.e. please try setting Frontend template option in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product Open Pricing > Single Product Page Options” to:

    <div><label for="%input_id%">Name Your Price</label> %open_price_input% %currency_symbol%</div>

    If that won’t help, please try adding display:block; style (you can also do that by assigning some class to div and then styling it with custom CSS), i.e.:

    <div style="display:block;"><label for="%input_id%">Name Your Price</label> %open_price_input% %currency_symbol%</div>

    You may also want to add some margin at the bottom:

    <div style="display:block;margin-bottom:10px;"><label for="%input_id%">Name Your Price</label> %open_price_input% %currency_symbol%</div>

    Hope that helps.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    P.S. Not directly related to the question, but in plugin version 1.3.1, we’ve added new field position options, which give more flexibility for positioning the input field on a single product and/or category pages.

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