How does shortcode IF work?

Forums Custom Emails for WooCommerce How does shortcode IF work?

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  • #108056
    Dorian Simon

    I could not find any documentation on this, sorry if it’s obvious, but how does shortcode IF work?
    Is it something like [if order_number="123"] TEXT [endif]?
    What attributes can I check for using IF?

    Also, how does CLEAR work?


    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Dorian,

    Thank you for pointing it out. We’ve just added the description of the [if] shortcode to the plugin docs. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions.

    As for the [clear] shortcode – it simply outputs an empty paragraph: <p></p>.

    Dorian Simon

    Nice, I get it. THX

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