How to avoid duplicate messages on the shop and cart pages?

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  • #88490


    I am getting duplicate messages, specifically on the shop page and cart page when enabling store notice and specifying the pages to display the notices. Under advance, I have the option to clear duplicate notices. However, that doesn’t work. The issue is when first going to the pages, for example, cart page or shop page, there will be 2+ of the same messages displaying the amount left needed for free shipping. When I refresh the page, the duplicates go away. I do not use a cache plugin, I use Nginx as a cache layer over Apache, I do have WooCommerce pages being bypassed by the server cache. Any help would be appreciated.


    Hello Carm,

    I am really sorry to know you are having difficulties.

    In the plugin’s settings, please go to the CartAdd to cart sections and try to change the value of the Position. Then go to the Advanced section, enable the Ajax Options > Force update option.

    Please give these a try. Please let me know if the issue persists.

    Kind regards,



    I enabled Force Update under Ajax Options in Advance settings and it looks like it fixed the issue. Thanks!


    Hello Carm,

    I’m glad to assist you 🙂

    Please get in touch with me if you have any queries or need help.

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