How to avoid error 500 when bulk editing the costs?

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  • #89376

    I am trying this plug-in with the free version. I want to bulk edit the costs, but when I save my work, it doesn’t work, and I have an error message (error 500).

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi Ezo,

    Could you please let me know how many products do you have on your site? Also, maybe it would be possible for me to login to your site to check what’s going on (my email is [email protected])? Please let me know if sharing an account is not an option, and I will continue solving it remotely

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hello Ezo,

    We have improved the bulk edit costs tool page on version 2.3.1. Now it has pagination and column sorting. Probably you won’t have any more issues with that page.
    Let me know if it’s ok for you now 😉

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