How to configure it with different minimum amounts per shipping zone?

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  • #88254

    I need some advice / help.
    I’m using your plugin, but I encountered a problem that I can’t solve.
    I have two shipping zones with two different free shipping fees.
    For zone 1 is 45 euros and zone 2 100 euros. but the plugin only make the calculations for the zone 1. if i have 55 euros in the cart page with shipping for zone 2, the plugin says i have free delvery.
    I tried to solve this, but seems i can’t.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Carlos,

    Are you using standard WooCommerce “Free shipping” methods, or are you using our “Advanced: Manual Min Amount” section instead (in “WooCommerce > Settings > Amount Left for Free Shipping > General”)? If it’s standard WooCommerce method, our plugin should pick up the min order amounts for different shipping zones automatically. Let me know if it’s our “Advanced: Manual Min Amount” section – I will need to make some changes to our plugin to make it work for different shipping zones, but I believe it’s doable.


    Hi, thanks for you answer.
    Well, yeah, in the standrard mode, nothing works. Only if i put the option 45 for “Advanced: Manual Min Amount”, but then for the zone 2, it doesn’t work, because the price is 100. I tested the to options you mention, but it doesn’t work as was suppost to.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Carlos,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Ok, I’ve just sent you our newest development version 1.9.0 via email. There I’ve expanded our “Advanced: Manual Min Amount” settings, and moved them to a new separate section in “WooCommerce > Settings > Amount Left for Free Shipping > Manual Min Amount”. Now you can set different manual min amounts per shipping zone as well. Please give it a try and let me know if it’s working correctly.


    Hi Tom,
    I am very appreciate for the help you gave. Everything is working perfectly.
    Again, many thanks for the support.
    Have a great week,

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Carlos,

    Thanks for the update and happy to hear that it’s solved 🙂 Please let me know if you need anything else. And if you like the plugin, please consider leaving me a rating.

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