How to exclude a product from the category limit calculation?

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  • #93201
    Lisa Fresser

    Hi I bought the pro version just to exclude a product category of the minimum quantity. But it is not correctly working. If I have a product of the selected category in my cart it works fine but if i add another product it comes up again that there are not enough items in the cart. So if you buy a package of wine there is no minimum products you need to buy, no matter how many other products you add. Only of you buy singe bottles there is a minimum of 3 items.


    Hi Lisa,

    I am not sure how you may have set this up and how the categories/products set up on your website is. There are a number of ways in which this could be achieved. Can you please try the following in the Plugin’s settings:

    -General > Amount limits > Minimum
    -General > Amount types > Quantity
    -Products > Per product category > Enable

    I think it might be useful for you to separate the categories of individual wine bottles and the wine packages. Then go to the wine bottles category and set the minimum amount as 3.

    In this case there would be no need to exclude any category from the minimum quantity calculations, as the limits would only apply to the wine bottles category.

    Please let me know if you continue having trouble with this. In that case, would it be possible for you to share your WordPress dashboard access and we can take a look for you?

    You can send your details to [email protected]

    Lisa Fresser

    Hi, thank you for your help. I just can’t get there since I don’t have anything like “Amount limits” or “Amount types” at the General tab… How do I get there?


    Hi Lisa,

    Can you please confirm the name of the plugin that you are using? If it is Order Min/Max amount for WooCommerce, can you please try and update to the latest version of the plugin. V. 4.1.5

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