How to get the costs updated on the orders using POS?

Forums Cost of Goods for WooCommerce How to get the costs updated on the orders using POS?

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  • #89309

    Hi, I bought your Cost of goods plugin,
    When I make sales through the POS POS, the item cost report does not appear, if I make a test purchase through the web, it does.
    You can help.


    Sorry I mean POS TPV

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Miguel,

    Sorry for such a late reply.

    Let me try to add some new features to the plugin for this. I will get back to you asap.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Miguel,

    Could you please update the plugin to the latest v1.6.0 (released today) and try if POS orders are ok now.

    If it still not showing the costs – could you please try enabling one of these options (all in “WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Advanced Options”):

    * Force costs update on order update
    * Force costs update on order status change
    * Force costs update on new order item

    Please let me know if that helps.

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