How to handle refunded orders?

Forums Cost of Goods for WooCommerce How to handle refunded orders?

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  • #89532
    Markus Brunke

    Hi again,

    I using your plugin and loves it. But there is still this issue with refunded orders. Refunded orders are listed as profitable orders. The profit from the products on the order should be set to 0 (the regular shipping, payment, and handling cost should of cause still apply). The profit for the order should therefore be negative ( -10,00 EUR). Is this something you guys can fix?

    It’s not enough that you just can disable refunded orders in the listing. Because the refunded orders could give a negative result and not just 0.

    Let’s say I had handling cost, shipping cost, and payment cost. These costs won’t disappear if my customer chooses to return his product. When I get the product, the product cost will of cause disappear, but I will still have all the handling cost, shipping cost, and payment cost. So this order should actually have a negative profit.
    Se this example:

    Product price: 30 EUR
    Product cost: -10 EUR
    Shipping cost: -5 EUR
    Handling cost: -1 EUR
    Payment cost: -0,5 EUR
    Total: 13,5 EUR

    Now the product is being returned and the “product price” is equal 0 and the “product cost is equal 0. Therefore my total is now

    Shipping cost: -5 EUR
    Handling cost: -1 EUR
    Payment cost: -0,5 EUR
    Total: -6,5 EUR

    Does this make sense? (this should of cause also include the meta cost field, which the plugins have as an option)

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi Markus,

    I’m sending you a modified version of the plugin via email with a new section:
    – Extra Costs: Refunds

    Please give it a try and let me know if it suits you 😉

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