How to hide the _alg_wc_cog_item_cost after deactivating the plugin?

Forums Cost of Goods for WooCommerce How to hide the _alg_wc_cog_item_cost after deactivating the plugin?

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  • #89783

    Hello, when deactivating the plugin, the costs of the products appear in the orders under the SKU, with the code: _alg_wc_cog_item_cost: 0.50.
    I do not want the costs to be seen in the order.



    Thanks for letting us know about this issue. I have been able to replicate it on a test site. I have passed your request to our plugin’s developers and they will work on a solution and get back to you.



    The  _alg_wc_cog_item_cost,_alg_wc_cog_item_handling_fee is meta data that is stored in the WooCommerce database table. If we unset these metadata on plugin deactivation, then you will loose all the data when the plugin is activated again. It is therefore not possible to hide this on plugin deactivation.

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi Paul,

    If you’re comfortable with a little bit of coding you could add this to your functions.php file:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_hidden_order_itemmeta', 'my_alg_wc_cog_hide_order_cost_meta', PHP_INT_MAX );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'my_alg_wc_cog_hide_order_cost_meta' ) ) {
        function my_alg_wc_cog_hide_order_cost_meta( $meta_keys ) {
            $meta_keys[] = '_alg_wc_cog_item_cost';
            return $meta_keys;

    That will hide it

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