How to import the costs from the Skyverge plugin?

Forums Cost of Goods for WooCommerce How to import the costs from the Skyverge plugin?

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  • #89622

    Hi there – we have been using the Woocommerce Cost of Goods plugin from SkyVerge for the past few years and wanted to switch over to your plugin as it offers more control. However, we have thousands of products (many with variations already) that current have a cost of goods attributed. Is there a way to copy all the existing cost of good numbers from our current products to this plugin?

    For example, product (A) has a cost of goods sold in the original plugin field and we want to mass copy it to your plugin’s cost of goods sold field. Example screenshot:

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author


    Yes, it’s possible. You just have to setup the import settings first, over:
    – Tools & Reports > Product Import Costs Tool > Key to import from

    If you have been using this Cost of Goods plugin probably you won’t need to change any settings.

    After that you can access:
    – Tools > Import Costs
    And click on “Import”.

    If the import doesn’t work for the variations, probably you’ll need to run the import again having the “Key to import from” set to _wc_cog_cost_variable

    And remembering that it’s always a good idea to make a backup in situations like this 🙂

    Let me know if it helps 😉

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