How to make it work with multicurrency?

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  • #88322


    I am not sure what the issue is. I had a look at the video you shared and it was initially displaying the amount left as Naira 3100 and when you switched the currency to USD it was displaying as USD $24.9. That is how it is supposed to work with the currency converter.

    eseoghene mentie

    Its supposed to display $8.16 as seen with the other plugin. But its not, its displaying $24,945.08 instead so its not coverting the amount left from naira (shop currency) to usd. I hope you understand me now

    eseoghene mentie

    thats $24,945.08 and not $24.9 . 3,100 naira is equal to $8.16 . So your plugin is not converting correctly



    There are 2 things I would suggest in this case.

    1. Can you please make sure you are entering the right conversion rate. Because it seems like you might be entering it backwards. 24,945.08/3100 = 8.04 which is approximately 8.16. It seems the conversion is set as for example 0.5 instead of 2?

    2. Can you disable the other plugin that you are using and try after that. It might be the 2 plugins are conflicting.

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