How to make variation steps work when ordering from category page?

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce How to make variation steps work when ordering from category page?

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  • #104961
    Søren Blaabjerg


    I have just bought the Pro version, because I am thinking it will solve my problem. But I havent found a way to fix it.


    I have made a product with variations and each variation has its own minimum qty and qty steps. This works great, when I am on the single product page. But when I am in the category page with all products lined up the steps are not working when I add products to the cart. So every time I add a variation, it only adds 1 single item instead of (3 or 6 pcs) that I have made as minimum. How can I make variations steps work when ordering from the category page?

    I am looking forward to hear from you.

    I hope you are able to help me.


    Best regards,

    Soren Blaabjerg


    Hi Soren,

    Please give this a try, in General tab >> Force Quantity Options >> Force on archive, and set it to “Force to min. quantity”.

    Let me know if that fixes it, if not, please reach us at [email protected] with wp-admin access so we can check.


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