How to provide a quantity dropdown with limited numbers?

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  • #104846

    Hi Omar,

    Recently, I have purchased your product. I have tested the free version before and is has been running pretty smoothly.

    Thus, I have three questions:

    How can I provide a quantity dropdown with the following numbers while still allowing to change cart numbers to e.g. 7, 17 etc.: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,18,24,32 . (I do not want to offer to many options as it may appear confusing for the customer, or it will be simply too much)

    How can I add a plus minus additionally to dropdown only on cart page? ( I believe that a dropdown is in most cases more suitable. However, on the cart page a plus minus option might be easier to be handled by customers)

    Is there a way to add the plus / minus to sidecarts e.g. Elementor menu cart? (I was thinking about a short snippet. I prefer not design my own cart using custom html / or a popup solution which might get blocked by add blockers. If there is not solution to the third questions it is fine for me)

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards,



    Hi Max,

    Thanks for the great feedback!

    Dropdown means that you’re allowing ONLY these values for customers, what I think will be confusing is if you force them to use 1,5,10 on product, but on cart they can change this, it’s also a bit meaningless since you are able to sell other quantities.

    Regardless, this can be done but not through the default functions of the plugin as dropdown is limited to the quantities allowed to be sold with.

    It’s also not clear how you want a plus/minus in a dropdown, can’t remember I saw such behavior, would you mind share an example? For #3, yes that’s doable, please reach us at [email protected] and we will be glad to work on all of this together.



    Dear Omar,

    Many thanks for your answer.

    Regarding Q1:

    On this shop I am selling wine. Often people select 1,2,3…12 or 18 bottles. Sometimes they even select 24 or 30. It is happening in units of six from 12 bottles upwards at least in our market. Thus, 12, 18, 24, 30 bottles are often selected. People are used to buying such amounts of bottles.

    However, in checkout people tend to decrease or increase using units of +-1. E.g. from 18 to 19.

    Regarding Q2:

    The plus minus: I only would like to apply it on the cart page. I could do it by myself using a snippet. But, I fear that there could be a potential conflict with your plugin. My php knowledge is also kinda limited.

    And, the plus minus is more of an UX issue. But, I have learned that even the smallest UX tweaks may impact turnover massively especially in competitve ecommerce markets.

    Regarding Q3:

    I will contact you soon.

    Best regards,


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