How to remove negative sign from quantity step text?

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce How to remove negative sign from quantity step text?

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  • #104991
    Susan Conner

    Trying to get the quantity step text customized but this:

    Quantities available in increments of %quantity_step%. Your current quantity is %quantity%.

    Results in this:

    Quantities available in increments of -50. Your current quantity is 110.

    How do I remove the minus to make it 50 instead of -50?

    Susan Conner

    Additional notes: Min. purchase of 100 with increments of 50 , so 100, 150, 200 etc. I get the same result if I set the min. purchase to 50 and increment steps of 50. I try to order 75 and I get the same Quantities available in increments of -50. That – makes it really confusing.


    Hi Susan,

    It’s a bit weird to be honest, can’t confirm from where this minus is coming, would you please share wp-admin access with us at [email protected] to check what’s happening?


    Susan Conner

    Info sent. Thanks.

    Susan Conner

    Any idea how to fix this? Hard for me to proceed with adding products when I don’t know if this is going to work for my needs. Having the message state “increments of –  ” is too confusing.


    Hi Susan,

    Sorry for not getting back to you, we’re working on the – sign, and will update you tomorrow on the other issue, be assured it will be solved.


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