How to scan a barcode with a cellphone and add a product to the cart?

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  • #111677

    Hi, my question is this, How to scan a barcode with a cellphone and add a product to the cart?

    We developed an ecommerce for a wholesaler with 1300 products and this funtion would be amazing

    I need that the users who are looking for a product in the ecommerce, scans the barcode of the products with their cellphone and adds those to the cart.

    I am thinking to buy the plugin because i want this funtion.

    I thought a botton that, after authorice the web service, open the camera and let to the users scan the products.

    Someone can help me?

    Plugin Support

    Hi Pablo,

    Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the possibility of scanning barcodes with a cellphone and adding products to the cart on your ecommerce website. We appreciate your interest in our plugin and we understand the importance of having this feature for your wholesaler website with 1300 products.

    However, at this moment, our plugin does not support the functionality of scanning barcodes with a cellphone and adding products to the cart. We have forwarded your request to our development team for further consideration and evaluation. They will assess the viability of this feature and get back to you as soon as they can.

    We appreciate your patience while our team looks into this request. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Kind regards,

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