How to set fixed quantity and allow multiple variations for purchase?

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  • #104954
    Hiacynta Hess


    I have bought your plugin and need help with settings.

    I’ve a product with six variations. Fixed quantity should be 6, 12, 18, 24, etc.

    So customer should have opportunity to buy
    6 x variantion 1
    3 x variation 2 and  3 x variation 3
    5 x variantion 1 and 1 x variation 5

    How can I set this?

    Many Thanks


    Hi Hiacynta,

    Great question to be honest, we have a setting for this for the min & max quantities, but I just noticed it’s not available on Fixed quantities, will work on this and include it in the next release, a matter of 2-3 days maximum and will update you when it’s out.



    Hi again,

    Glad to tell you I was able to release a new version 4.2 where you can have this option, just enable “Per Product” on allowed quantities section, then you will have an option on product edit page named “Exact quantity allowed for all variations” which will do exactly what you need.

    Please give it a test and let me know if it’s all good.


    Hiacynta Hess

    Hi Omar,
    many thanks for your update! Probably I’m using this wrong…

    I’ve open my product and type in to the field “Exact quantity allowed for all variations” my quantity for example 6, 12, 18, 24 etc.

    If I put 1 product of variation 1 to shopping card I get notification that it need 6 products. This is not what I want.

    How can I manage to set it up like in my former comment?

    Many thanks in advance,

    Best regards


    Hi Hiacynta,

    No worries, I think it’s just a setting issue here, can you please send us at [email protected] with wp-admin access and a product example? Will be glad to get this fixed for you.


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