How to set minimum quantity and step for WooCommerce variation products?

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  • #105000
    Joon Park

    Hello, I just bought the plugin.

    I tried to set up the variation product Minimum Quantity and Step.

    I don’t want to set the minimum quantity and step for each variations

    If the minimum quantity is 6 and 2 step. there are 4 variations.

    I want to make customer can order like :

    variation 1 : 1 each

    variation 2 : 2 each

    variation 3 : 2 each

    variation 4 : 1 each

    Also, they need to  add 2 more products from any variations to complete an order.

    How can I set up?



    You don’t need min & step here, you can make a good use of “Allowed Quantities” under Fixed quantities tab.

    Enable it, tick “per product”, and then on the variable product edit page, you will see a new field by the plugin called “Exact quantity allowed for all variations”, enter 6,12,18,24, etc… for the total quantity you want to allow for this variable.

    Please let me know if this doesn’t solve it.


    Joon Park

    Hello Omar.

    Thank you for your reply.

    However, I would like to add a message in product page.

    Allowed quantity does not show the message in product page and archive page, and if I put the number like 4,6,8,10,12 , I can’t explain step and min qty exactly.

    So, I tried to put the min qty (4) in “Minimum quantity for all variations” and put the cases of step (4,6,8,10,12) in “Exact quantity allowed for all variations”

    But the message shown in product page and archive page is as below:

    Minimum quantity is 1
    Step is 1

    Thank you!



    Hi again,

    Sorry I’m not sure I got this correctly, can you please record a short video explaining the case and contact us at [email protected]?



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