How to share the wish list with admin?

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  • #100277
    Debbie Lo

    Hi there, I installed the pro version and noticed:

    (1) Admin Email Sharing: I have an admin email address set up in the settings, but on the wish list, I only see an option to share with Friend(s), no option to share with admin

    (2) Wish List Column on Products Page: Is there a way to count the quantity that has been added to customers’ wish lists, not just the number of wish lists the item is on? (ie. if an customers puts an item in their wish list and has qty=4 associated with the item, can I see “4” on the wish list column in the products page instead of 1?)

    (3) Stock labels: I noticed the stock labels are hardcoded as “‘Out of stock'” and “In stock” in the wish list, can these labels match custom text we set up in WooCommerce instead?

    Thanks so much in advance.

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hi Debbie,

    1. Please, make sure that you actually have an email value set on the settings, because the default placeholder is the admin email and sometimes it gets confusing.

    2. I’m sorry. It won’t be possible due to the way I’m storing the wish list meta in the database. I’m saving it as a serialized array and then it’s almost impossible to do certain types of queries.

    3. Please update the plugin to the version 1.9.6 I just released. I fixed it for you ๐Ÿ™‚


    That did the trick, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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