How to update cart quantities without error messages?

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  • #104709
    Stefanie Pirstinger


    I have fixed the cart total quantity to 6, 12, 18, 24,….

    And i just want to know, how i can just get to my cart to update the quantities, without a error who says, “in your cart is a error, please check” with a button to get back to my cart.
    For customers, it would be easier to just have a cart to update the quantities and get a short notice that this wasn’t enough quantity.

    Please help. Thanks.


    Hi Stefanie,

    Do you mean you want the cart to auto-correct quantities without showing error to the customers? If yes, what products will be added if customers are mixing more than a product?

    It would be great if you send us an example where you want to show the message and the fix as well, please reach us at [email protected].


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