How to update the amount left text on cart page?

Forums Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce How to update the amount left text on cart page?

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  • #88226

    Hi there,

    we just bought the plugin “amount until free shipping” which is great to have this option.
    I implemented the shortcode [alg_wc_left_to_free_shipping] on my cart page. When updating the cart, the value isn´t updated.
    Just within the cart calculation “after cart totals” it is working.
    How can I force a site reload then, because it seems to be AJAx driven reloaded.

    Thanks for help,

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Alex,

    The problem is that only part of the cart page is reloaded, so you need to choose the correct “Position”. For example, if you select the default “After cart totals” position for the “Info on Cart” – the amount will be updated. As I understand, you are putting the shortcode directly to the cart page instead? If that’s correct, unfortunately, the amount will not be updated.

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