How to use the Add Stock and the Recalculate option?

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  • #89777

    Problem 1: I enabled the “Increase Stock”, but I cannot see the meta box in Product Edit Page.

    Problem 2: I enabled the “Replace all variations from the main variable product”

    But it cannot override the Cost in Variation which is not empty.

    Problem 3: I never find the Recalculate button in Order Edit Page.

    A situation I met is: I didn’t set the product’s Cost before, so when a customer ordered it,  no cost will show in order detail. Then I will go to set the cost, but the order wil not recalculate, it need fill the item’s cost manually.

    And I enabled the THREE settings in Advanced > Force costs update, it still not work.


    Advice 1: You may add the simple math calculation support in COST’s input text area, just like if I filled in “550*0.1”, it will calculate to result “55”.

    Advice 2: I always have a fixed percent for most products’ cost, I wanna set the percent as products default cost ( default cost = product price * the fixed percent ). If some cost is special, I will fill the cost manually. Could you add an extra setting?

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author


    1- Please, take a look at the “Screen options” button on the top right part of product page and check if the “Cost of Goods: Add stock” is disabled there

    2- Please update the plugin to version 2.4.7.
    I believe I was able to fix that issue for you 😉

    3- There is no “Recalculate cost” button on the order edit page. If the product cost is empty on the order but the costs was set on the product page, you can simply update the order to auto fill the cost. And that’s right, you need to enable at least the first “Force costs update” option to get there. If you update the plugin I believe it will work better now. I’ve also worked on this matter

    Suggestion 1: I’m not sure if it will be possible but I’ll take a look

    Suggestion 2: It looks like you want a new option to set multiple costs in bulk, right?
    We want to work on a new feature soon for occasions like that


    I cannot see “Cost of Goods: Add stock” in “Screen options”.



    Can you please make sure you have Enabled the option under WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Products > Add Stock > Add “Cost of Goods: Add stock” meta box to the product edit page

    Then please have a look at this screenshot to see what screen option you need to enable on the product edit page: 

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