How to ?

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  • #136265

    I installed the PRO version and I want to make the following settings:
    Order placed 03/01/2024 in default status “A”, then I want:
    Status B to C – after 2 days
    Status C to D – after another 2 days
    Status D to E – after another 2 days
    Status E to F – after another 2 days
    1. What is the correct option to set in the plugin? (apart from status A, which is woo, the rest are custom)
    2. From status A to status B, I will do it manually, and it may take 1-2 days to do this, depending on the congestion, and after I move it to status B, I want it to switch to automatic mode, which I described above .


    HI there,

    In order to achieve this, you have to create different rules to change the status of each order and configure the “time trigger” option. Within each rule, utilize the “date created before” and “date created after” parameters, both set to 03/01/2024 as per your scenario.

    Let us know if you have any questions.

    Kind regards.


    Thanks for first replay,

    I don’t think I have any reason to set these dates, because I want the rules to apply to all orders, regardless of the date.
    The overall idea is that 1 order must go through 6 rules, and stay in each status for 2 working days, a total of 12 working days from entry to completion, crossing 7 statuses

    Rule 1: status A to status B – 2 days
    Rule 2: status B to status C – another 2 days (or do I have to calculate 4 days from here? (for example, the order should stay in status 2 for 2 days, then stay in status B for 2 days, (that is, I put 4 days at trigger) then 2 days in status C (ie 6 days in trigger)?
    Does the plugin have as a point of reference, the order entry date?
    I now have them set 2 days by 2 days by 2 days and it doesn’t do anything… I think it’s in conflict…

    Thank you for all your patience and any answer 🙂


    For each rule, I put 2 days with parameters for skip days Saturday and Sunday??

    I can’t … I think I explained it wrong.
    The main idea is that an order must go through 7 statuses within 12 working days, only the first one I will do manually, the remaining 6 automated.

    How to set ?

    1. I receive the order; – Status X
    2. Depending on the crowding, I process it manually in 1-2 days, from status X to status A;
    3. After that, let the rules start automatically;
    4. Status A to Status B in another 2 working days.
    5. Status B to Staus C in another 2 working days.
    At the end of the order, let’s say that it entered on February 1 and the end after 12 working days = February 16

    For each rule, I put 2 days with parameters for skip days Saturday and Sunday??
    or do I calculate manually? 2 days + 2 days to the next status = 4 days, then 4 + 2 = 6 days to the next rule…

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi, Eduard,

    I think what you need is to create two order status rules:

    Rule #1:

    • Status from: A
    • Status to: B
    • Time trigger: 2 days
    • Skip days: Saturday, Sunday

    Rule #2:

    • Status from: B
    • Status to: C
    • Time trigger: 2 days
    • Skip days: Saturday, Sunday

    Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    P.S. I’ve just noticed that you posted a screenshot earlier – your settings look ok there. If it’s not working – would it be possible to share access to your site, so I could log in and check what’s going on (my email is [email protected])?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    P.P.S. Could you please check if “WordPress cron” is enabled on your site (in “WooCommerce > Status > System status”)? If it’s disabled, could you please enable it?

    You could also try switching from “Use WP cron” to “Use Action Scheduler” in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Status Rules > Advanced > Periodical Processing Options”. However, as far as I understand, “Action Scheduler” uses WP cron, so I’m not sure if it’ll help.

    Also, did you try running the rules manually in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Status Rules > Tools > Run all rules now”? What happens then? Are orders processed as expected?

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