I need all my product prices to be updated

Forums Product Price by Formula for WooCommerce I need all my product prices to be updated

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  • #99066

    This plugin seems to be able to fulfill my needs, but i have to ask before purchase.
    I need all my product prices to be updated when i change the default value of my parameters.
    Does this plugin do that?

    I would appreciate it if you could reply ASAP.

    Sten Rosendahl

    I need this too. As long as the value is not changed in a product, I want the changed global value to propagate down to the product (what I really need is a global margin setting for prices and this plugin comes close).

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Sorry for the late reply. Not sure I understood it correctly. If you are using the “Default formula”, you can change the parameter there and product prices will change accordingly. For example, if you have x*1.05 formula, then after you change the margin (i.e. 1.05) product prices will be updated. Could you please try to explain it to me to once again (if possible maybe give an example of how this should work)?

    Sten Rosendahl

    I mean that if I change the default value for a field in the settings of the plugin, I want that new value to ripple to all products using that field if it’s not overridden in that product. This to be able to have one global field only to change when all prices should be changed with the same percentage.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Hopefully I’ve understood you correctly – we’ve just released new plugin version 2.1.0. Now you can set “Use same formula” option to “Yes (with same params)” in plugin settings (in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product Price by Formula > Bulk Settings”), which should solve your task.

    Please give it a try and let me know if that was not it.

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