Include/exclude categories question

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  • #105835

    Hi.  Not sure if  include categories and exclude categories works properly……


    Cat1>Subcat1>Product A
    Cat1>Subcat2>Product A

    If I choose include Subcat1, and exclude Subcat2, then I should still be able to see Product A in my XML, but instead Product A is omitted completely…..  In this case I would like to see Product A listed in the XML.

    Basically we have a lot of products and some products fall within multiple categories, so we need to be able remove a category of Product A but keep any remaining categories associated with Product A.  Hope this makes sense.

    Please advise.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hi Ilchy,

    I see, it might be a bit confusing when a product falls in multiple categories, I can’t confirm the best approach to handle this case without checking how products & categories are connected. If you don’t mind please, send us to [email protected] with wp-admin access or screenshot of settings and sample products cases.


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