Is it compatible with the Custom Shipping Methods for WooCommerce plugin?

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  • #88463
    marcos vinicius


    I need some help to setup Custon Shippipng Methods for Woocommerce and need help for this situation

    Situation A

    I have 2 Shipping Class:
    #1 Itajobi, at R. João Cardoso de Matos Filho, 155 – Parque Industrial, Itajobi – SP, 15840-000
    #2 Saro, at Av. Geni Peteffi, 3313 – São Virgílio, Caxias do Sul – RS, 95077-400

    And make those cost
    #1 Itajobi:

    0.009*[weight]*[qty]*[distance key="***valid key***" default_distance="15" debug="yes" units="km" src="R. João Cardoso de Matos Filho 155 - Itajobi, 15840-000, Brasil"]

    #2 Saro:

    0.009*[weight]*[qty]*[distance key="***valid key***" default_distance="15" debug="yes" units="km" src="Av. Geni Peteffi 3313 - Caxias do Sul, 95077-100, Brasil"]

    We test a produtc sending from #1 place to #2 place and expacted a cost like BRL$ 540,00 but do plugin calculate BRL$ 120,00

    Situation B

    How to put shipping calculate at product page.

    Please help us to setup it correctly,

    Best Regard,


    Plugin Support

    Hi Marcos,

    Can you please send us your custom shipping plugin so we can try testing it somehow? If that’s possible, please send it to [email protected].

    > How to put shipping calculate at product page.
    Our plugin won’t calculate the shipping price, but the amount left for free shipping. If that is what you meant, we have two different solutions:

    1- The shortcode [alg_wc_left_to_free_shipping] where you can use it any where you want:

    [alg_wc_left_to_free_shipping content="%amount_left_for_free_shipping% left for free shipping"]

    2- Using the option “Store notice > Default WooCommerce notice” combined with the “Display by function” option set as “Is product”

    marcos vinicius

    Hello guys,
    I need help configuring the plugin considering the distance and product class to calculate shipping
    I tried several situations and the plugin does not correctly calculate the shipping.
    I tested the following situations in the Shipping class costs section

    Situation A.


    I expected to get R$52, but we got R$28

    Situation B.


    expected to get R$0.47, but we got R$0.25

    Situation C.

    0.009*[weight][qty][distance key="MY_GOOGLE_API-KEY" debug="yes" units="km" src="R. João Cardoso de Matos Filho 155,Itajobi,15840000,Brasil" ]

    expected to get the value of R$ 551.30, but we got R$ 3.78

    – constant weight of 52 kg.
    – Customer address: Country = Brazil, State = Rio Grande do Sul, City = Caxias do Sul, CEP = 95077-400.
    – the distance between the reference city (Itajobi) and the customer’s address is 1,178 km.

    We invite you to test the product used in the tests in our store through the following link

    Certain of your help in configuring the plugin, thanks in advance.

    Plugin Support

    Hi Marcos,

    Can you please send us a screenshot of the plugin’s settings? I suspect you could be referring to a different plugin as our plugin doesn’t have a “Shipping class costs” section.

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