Is it possible to cancel a subscription or membership plan with the plugin?

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  • #100379
    Nikita Krassiouk

    is there an option to cancel/end/cease a subscription/membership plan after the user consumed all maximum products tied for a membership plan/subscription ?
    I.e. a gym site offers subscription plans with fixed amount of lessons, the user then can book this lessons anytime via wc booking, and when he consume all the lessons the subscription ends.
    Many thanks.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Nikita,

    Unfortunately, currently, there is no option to cancel the membership, but (and I’m not completely sure that this is what you need) there is an “Example #2” snippet the “Developers” tab – it doesn’t end the subscription, however, it ties maximum products (start date) check with user’s membership subscription start date.

    Please let me know if that’s not what you are looking for.

    Nikita Krassiouk

    Yes, I think it will be an ideal solution.
    What length should I set for the duration of the woocommerce membership plan ?
    Also, is it possible to use a similar approach with woocommerce subscriptions ?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Nikita,

    > What length should I set for the duration of the woocommerce membership plan ?
    – You can set it to any length, except “Lifetime”.

    > Also, is it possible to use a similar approach with woocommerce subscriptions ?
    – Yes, sure. We just need to check how to get subscription’s start date with PHP.

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