Is it possible to disable the checkout process once user has exceeded the limit?

Forums Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce Is it possible to disable the checkout process once user has exceeded the limit?

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  • #93107

    I got excited and it works, but the user experience from the shopper perspective is not great. I expected to see the Checkout button to be disabled entirely. The “bounce back” is confusing.



    You can hide the add to cart button. In General > Maximum Amount limit options > Hide add to cart button. You can choose to hide it on shop pages or single product pages.

    To improve the user experience, do use the Messages feature to alert your customers why they are not being allowed to checkout. In the Messages tab of the plugin’s settings, you can set various messages.


    I don’t want to hide the add to cart – I want to disable the click (grey out) the Proceed to Checkout if the minimum purchase amount is not met.


    Hi Morgan,

    I have passed your request to our development team, they will get back to you soon.


    Hi Morgan,

    We would like to let you know that, we have implemented the feature you wanted “Disable checkout button” in that plugin. You can find the settings here: WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > General Options > Cart Page

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    We are looking forward to helping you.

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