Is it possible to get the cost via REST API?

Forums Cost of Goods for WooCommerce Is it possible to get the cost via REST API?

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  • #89564
    York Ortiz Menendez

    Hi guys,

    Nice work, I’m building my own report on google sheets and I’m using integromat
    ( to import data from woocommerce via API. The only element missing on my report to be completed is the cost of goods. Could you please help me on how can automatically integrate this value into my report.

    Is there a specific place that this data can be accesible through woocommerce API, i have checked everywhere and don’t find it.

    Do you have any API or other method i could use to import the cost of goods?

    Look forward to hearing from you

    York Ortiz Menendez

    Hi Guys,

    Any answer on this matter?



    If you have installed the plugin, you can import product costs.

    In your WordPress dashboard, under the tools menu you will find an option for importing costs and bulk editing costs

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hello York,

    Our cost meta is already available via REST API. For example it’s possible to get a product with ID 123 using this route:

    The cost will be available over the meta_data array.
    The key name is _alg_wc_cog_cost

    I’ve never tried Integromat but probably this info should be also available on their end as the cost value is stored as a simple product meta.

    Plugin Support

    Just a note,

    It’s possible to get the order cost like this:

    The order cost meta (_alg_wc_cog_order_cost) will be available on the meta_data node.

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