Is it possible to ignore some notices depending on the CSS class?

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  • #99777

    Please! Please! Please!
    Separate info notices as general css class “wocommerce-info” for all info messages and custom wocommerce info messages for restricted content with the different css class its look like this one: MY CUSTOM MESSAGE FOR RESTRICTED CONTENT I DON’T WANT TO POPUP
    I ask for it several month ago and you do much good improvements, hope you pay attention to my request. Thank you!

    Pablo Pacheco

    Let me see if I got it right.
    You are asking me to create an option to ignore some kind of notices depending on the css class?

    If that’s correct, the problem is we can’t always assure there will be custom classes on notices. Is that what you’d like?
    Or is it anything else I couldn’t understand?

    Anyway, I’ve created an option recently to ignore some messages. Please check if it can help you

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