Is it possible to limit my customers’ purchases per day?

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  • #100317


    I would like to put a limit on my customers’ purchase per day. But the only options that are available in “Date range” section are: Lifetime, This Month, This Year, Last 30 Days, Last 365 Days.
    No DAILY option 🙁

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    I’ve just checked the plugin code and it seems that adding daily option shouldn’t be too hard. Will release new plugin version shortly.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    As promised, we’ve just released a new plugin version 2.1.0, where I’ve added these new date ranges to the plugin: “This hour”, “This day”, “This week”, “Last hour”, “Last 24 hours”, “Last 7 days”.

    Please let me know if something is not working as expected or if you have any questions. And if you like the plugin, please consider leaving me a rating.

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