Is it possible to require user to login after clicking the verification link?

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  • #101201

    Is it possible to require user to login after clicking the verification link in the email?

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hello Alpha,

    Actually to log in after clicking the verification link is the default behaviour. What happens exactly after you click the verification link?

    Also, would it be possible to share your settings with some screenshot maybe?


    Hi WPFactory,

    When I click the verification url it automatically logs me in.


    Currently my settings are the default settings


    I’ve narrowed it down to this =>
    function verify() { …
    wp_set_current_user( $user_id );
    wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id );
    in the core.php file. when i comment out these two lines, it forces the user to login. How can I add a wc notice here that the user needs to login to complete verification?


    I have tested this out on a different site with just woocommerce, this plugin and wp smtp. Same issue, when you click the verification link it automatically logs you in.

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Just now I think I finally got what you’re asking.

    You want to redirect the user to “My account” just after he clicks on the verification link, and instead of automatically log the user in, let him manually log in by entering his username and password. Is that right?

    I’m afraid it’s not possible for now. But I’ll try to come up with something and will let you know as soon as I have some news about it 😉

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hello alpha,

    I’ve created a new option General > Login automatically on version 2.0.0. Please update the plugin and try to disable the option.

    Let me know if that would work for you 😉

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