Is it possible to set a minimum order total?

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  • #93184


    i have a question if it’s possible. We are managing a rental woc website, and I want to add a minimal value of items to be rented, by sum of products or minimum purchase quantity, the problem its that we need to advise the client that he needs to add some 70% of the total in cash as a deposit  at the time of picking the products, this is only as message not to go in the checkout, because this money will be returned when the items go back in optimal status. Is it possible to add this message to your notifications? I see that you manage some shortcodes that show some sums, is it possible to add this?

    Plugin Support

    Hello Deniel,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    >  I want to add a minimal value of items to be rented, by sum of products or minimum purchase quantity.

    To add minimal value to the items, please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > General. Set Amount limits to Minimum. Now if you want the minimal value of an item to be ranted by sum, set Amount types to Sum, or if you want it by purchase quantity, set Amount types to Quantity. Now go to the Amounts section and set Min Sum/Min quantity (based on your setting) to your minimum required value.

    >  Is it possible to add this message to your notifications?

    Our plugin shows notification when the sum of your cart order does not satisfy the minimum requirement or exceeds the maximum requirement. You can’t give notice except in these two cases.

    > I see that you manage some shortcodes that show some sums, is it possible to add this?

    You may use this shortcode in the Messages section of the plugin. For example, if you want to show the message on the cart page, enable cart > Cart notices and paste this shortcode.

    [alg_wc_oma_amount_msg min_or_max="min" sum_or_qty="sum"]You must have an order with a minimum of %min_order_sum% to place your order, your current order total is %cart_total_sum%. You need %min_order_sum_diff%. Please add 70% of the total in cash as a deposit at the time of picking the products[/alg_wc_oma_amount_msg]

    Here, %min_order_sum% is a placeholder which will display the cart’s total and %min_order_sum_diff% will display how much you need to meet the minimum requirement to order an item. But we regret that you will be unable to perform mathematical operations using the placeholders and that there is no placeholder right now to show the percentage of the cart’s total to the notice. However, I have forwarded your request to our development team. They will check the viability of this and get back to you as soon as they can.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.

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