Is the plugin compatible with the “ATUM Inventory” plugin?

Forums Cost of Goods for WooCommerce Is the plugin compatible with the “ATUM Inventory” plugin?

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  • #89997
    Scott Miller

    Hi There, I was hoping this would work with ATUM Inventory, but it seems their “Purchase_Price” is in a custom table.

    do you have any solutions that would allow us to import costs from ATUM’s “Purchase Price” field?

    They advise it easy to get the “purchase_price” with this:

    $product = AtumIncHelpers::get_atum_product( $product_id );
    //$purchase_price = $product->get_purchase_price();

    I just don’t know how I can use this with Cost of Goods for Woocommerce?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Hello Scott,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Our plugin seems to be incompatible with ATUM Inventory. However, based on the example you provided, we believe it should not be too difficult to make our plugin compatible with ATUM. So, could you kindly send the plugin’s zip file so we may test it on our end? You can send it to [email protected]

    Best regards,


    Update: If anyone else is interested – Mr. Scott sent us a link to download the plugin’s zip file. So, our developers were able to make the Cost of Goods plugin compatible with the ATUM Inventory Management plugin.

    As a result, we have released a new version of the plugin (v2.5.7) that includes a new feature:

    Compatibility > ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce > Product import costs tool 

    Once you’ve activated the option, you can simply run our Import tool and the cost meta will be copied from the ATUM Inventory Management plugin to our plugin.

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