Is there a way to display the remaining weight allowed of their cart’s limit?

Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce Is there a way to display the remaining weight allowed of their cart’s limit?

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  • #100396
    Zach Lybrook

    Is there a list all of possible shortcodes and placeholders?

    I want to display the customer’s total weight of a current product tag in their cart and how much is are remaining based on cart contents versus how much they’ve purchased.

    Is there a way to show the remaining weight allowed of their limit in the cart instead of only after an order is submitted?

    This would help users know how much more they can add to their cart not only how much they’ve already purchased and can purchase.

    Right now it just tells them they can’t add more to their cart if their trying to add an arbitrary amount over the limit. “You’ve added your limit of this product type to your cart.” I want to show the customers after they add to cart how much more they can add of each product type.


    Help would be appreciated. I feel like this plugin should show how much remaining quantity the customer CAN add to their cart not just what’s there already.


    Hi Zach,

    Just a note:

    In such a case, you can use %remaining% placeholder in the “Frontend > Customer message” of the plugin.

    Kind regards,

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