I have now attempted to add the 8 products to the trigger rather than the product category. It still wont trigger the action immediately (0 seconds) upon order created.
At the advice of the developers post here: https://wpfactory.com/support/topic/what-is-the-difference-between-cron-and-action-scheduler/
I have disabled both periodic options and have the trigger set as “order status changed” ( I have also tried a thank you page trigger, didn’t work). I have tried to change processing to on hold and I have tried pending payment to on hold. Neither will trigger immediately.
Next I tried to trigger by using a product tag. Also will not trigger immediately.
Further, Manually triggering the rules has only worked periodically. I have yet to find a combination of rules that will trigger manually every time.
I think this Plugin is great, and exactly what I need to solve this problem, However, I have tried 20 different combinations of the same thing and nothing works. Is there anyone who can help me get to the bottom of this?