Issue with Step Quantity in Pro Version for Selling Bottles in Sets of 24

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  • #104733
    Christian Schneider

    Hello, I just bought the pro version.  I need the step quantity to work.  I sell bottles with drink. And they have to be sold in set of 24, like 24, 48, 96 etc.  I have set the step to 24, but if I put 25 bottles in my cart it still says “The cart has to have 24 bottles, you now have 25”.  When it should say 48 right?

    Please advice. Thanx.


    Hey Christian,

    Not sure how that would be doable (unless you mean the message should show the next closest value?), but why don’t you use dropdown for the quantity? It will be more user-friendly so customers won’t need to “guess” the correct values to use.


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