It is possible to specify the user’s price limit in the “Edit user” screen?

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  • #100568
    Daniel Vos

    Do you have a code snippet for adding a field to the “Edit User” screen (/wp-admin/user-edit.php) to specify the user’s price limit per month?

    Currently limits are being implemented as follows:
    [alg_wc_mppu limit=”5000″ user_id=”8″]
    [alg_wc_mppu limit=”999999999″ user_id=”16″]
    [alg_wc_mppu limit=”350″ user_id=”10″]



    It is not possible to add limits to the user edit screen. We might consider this in future versions of the plugin.

    Your shortcode implementations is ok.

    I would also suggest maybe setting different user roles for different limits? Maybe that would be easier in your situation.

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