Item Shows Out of Stock When at Minimum Level

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  • #117369
    Adam Tommasi

    We have decimal quantity enabled and the minimum qty is set to 0.5. A recent issue we noticed now is that if there is 0.5 of an item left available, it will show up as “out of stock” even though we have the out of stock threshold set to 0. Existing items are showing in stock, but as soon as you edit them, they revert to out of stock.

    This wasn’t a problem until recently, so I’m not sure if a recent update is causing this. But we’ve gone through every setting and can not stop this behavior.

    Plugin Support

    Hi Adam

    I apologize for such a late reply.

    This issue has already been escalated to our development team. They will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,

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