I’ve been testing the plugin and there are some things that need to be done

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  • #91376

    Hi Tom,

    I’ve been testing the plugin and there are some things that need to be done.

    For example, using the theme MyListing it does not display the section title.

    Also, I would like to know if you can add a new field type ‘Display name publicly as’ in order to allow the user to select the way its public profile name is displayed. Some might want their username but others would go with the first name, or the full name.

    Please also enable the plugin to inherit the WordPress date format. It is imperative it respects the local format.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Florin,

    Sorry for such a late reply. Not sure how did I miss it. Will take a look asap.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Florin,

    I will reply to your questions in reverse order:

    1. Enable the plugin to inherit the WordPress date format.

    Done in plugin v1.2.0 (I assume you were referring to the [alg_wc_mac_user_comments] shortcode). Moreover, I’ve also added optional datetime_format shortcode attribute, so you could set any format you need, e.g.:

    [alg_wc_mac_user_comments datetime_format="Y/m/d H:i:s"]

    * By default this attribute is set to your site’s “Date Format” and “Time Format” option values with space symbol between them.

    2. “Display name publicly as” field.

    Not sure if I got it correctly. Doesn’t standard “Display name” field in “My account > Account details” do that?

    3. MyListing it does not display the section title.

    I’ve checked the My Listing theme, and although it’s not the best way probably, you can display title by setting custom tab’s content in our plugin (i.e. in “WooCommerce > Settings > My Account Customizer > Tabs > Tab #X > Content”) accordingly.

    For example, instead of simple:


    please try something like this:

    <section class="i-section">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="row section-body reveal reveal_visible">
                <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
                    <div class="element">
                        <div class="pf-head round-icon">
                            <div class="title-style-1">
                                <i class="mi rate_review"></i><h5>Comments</h5>
                        <div class="pf-body">
                            [alg_wc_mac_user_comments before='<table class="shop_table"><tbody><tr><th>Date</th><th>Content</th></tr>']

    In addition, this will wrap whole custom tab output in proper My Listing theme HTML tags, so tab will look the same as other standard WooCommerce tabs in this theme.

    In my example, you can change tab’s title on this line:

    <i class="mi rate_review"></i><h5>Comments</h5>

    Here you can also change the icon by replacing rate_review with e.g. account_circle or some other icon.

    Finally, I’ve also added before attribute to the [alg_wc_mac_user_comments] shortcode. This way user comments table looks much nicer:

    [alg_wc_mac_user_comments before='<table class="shop_table"><tbody><tr><th>Date</th><th>Content</th></tr>']

    Please give it a try and let me know what you think. And again sorry for the delay.

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