Lookup product information for a user

Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce Lookup product information for a user

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  • #101082
    Mynhardt Oosthuizen


    I would like to lookup product information for a user, based on entering the user_id in a Elementor form widget.

    [alg_wc_mppu_current_product_limit user_id="1"]

    Can the 1 be substituted for a variable that is used in the Elementor form widget ?

    Thank you,


    Plugin Support

    Hi Mynhardt,

    I didn’t test it with a form widget from Elementor, but at least I can tell that the user_id attribute from the [alg_wc_mppu_current_product_limit] shortcode does work. Just please, make sure you’re using version 3.7.9 I just released.

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