Max quantity on the mini cart is not working

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  • #116710

    <p class=”p1″>Hi, I have found a little issue in the mini cart that I cannot make it work among the different options offered by the plugin.</p>
    <p class=”p1″>In some products I have assigned a quantity step or unit range. For example, in a product in which the quantity step is 100, if I have 522 available in stock, the maximum is forced to be 500. On the product page that works. Now, in the mini cart, if I click on “+” again to add more units, the plugin allows me to add 522 for a second before forcing the maximum to 500, although the quantity remains marked 522. I think this happens because the minimum assigned by the plugin to force is 100 ms.</p>
    <p class=”p1″>I hope you can help me with that. Thanks.</p>

    Omar Dabbas
    Plugin Support


    Yes you’re right, and it might not make sense to make the JS recheck shorter, in this case, it seems the mini-cart used on your store seems not to read the correct value instantly, would you mind please sending us to [email protected] with wp-admin & FTP access to check?



    Hello Omar, thanks for your answer.

    We just sent a message to [email protected] with all the requested information, titled “Information for comment #117088 on your forum” with all the requested information and information to reproduce the bug. Thank you very much in advance, regards.

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