Maximum order limit on categories question

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  • #124095
    Neil Phillips


    I bought the pro version yesterday as we want to step up the control we have over the maximum quantites, however i am struggling to see a way of achieving the scenario my client is after.

    The first part is that it should only effect new customers who have not ordered before (thank you, you added this feature as per my request earlier in the year)

    The second part is that she would like the total order limit on items in the basket to be 4, which again is fien, but she would like to exclude one category (accessories) as she is happy for them to order as many of those as they like.

    I can see i can control categories and can also enable more features at category or product level, but i cant see a way of having it so that it is 4 items in total, except accessories? Could you advise/point me in the right direction for this.



    Omar Dabbas
    Plugin Support

    Hello Neil,

    If I’m getting this right, you just need to disable a category from the whole plugin settings (anything in that category doesn’t count into min/max values).

    To do this, go to Advanced >> Exclude plugin by category, and from there select the category to be excluded.

    I hope this solves the issue, if not, let me know with a little more details please.


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