Multiple Issues with All In One Product Quantity Plugin

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Multiple Issues with All In One Product Quantity Plugin

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  • #104718
    Uta Bensel


    the plugin works pretty well, however, I am having a few issues that I need to resolve.

    We are selling fabric by the metre.

    1. Is it possible to display the decimals in a form that reads “0,5 Meter” instead of the “0.5 Meter” ? It works alright the way it is, but it would be nicer to have the right format for the German market.

    2. Is it possible to display the price in a form such that it reads “15,00 € / Meter” or “15,00 € pro Meter” ? Right now the unit is set to “Meter” and it only reads “15,00 € Meter”. If I were to switch the unit to “pro Meter” or something similar, it would also affect the minimum quantity display, where I simply want to see the unit “Meter”.

    3. Under the “Advanced” Options I have the option to disable the plugin for entire categories. However, this does not seem to work properly for us. I still have to enter the same categories I have entered here to be excluded under the tab “Quantity Info” and “Total Quantity by Price”. If I do not enter them again, the Quantity Info and the Total Quantity by Price will still be displayed even though the plugin should be disabled for those categories.

    4. Whenever I upload a new product that is within a category for which I have disabled this plugin, the product still shows the unit like “15,00 € Meter”. I have to manually get back to the advanced options and simply save the settings again for the new product to also be excluded from the plugin.




    Hi Uta,

    For #1, let me look into this, maybe I can include a decimal separator in the plugin.

    For #2, whatever you enter in the Price Unit tab will appear next to price, I didn’t get what you meant when referred to “minimum quantity display”.

    #3, if you don’t mind, I have to check this on your store because it might be a bug in a case I didn’t handle (because it works fine on our test store).

    #4, sounds like a bug, will fix this in the next update.

    Please contact us at [email protected] and we will take it from there.


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