New user registration is automatically verified

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  • #129121

    Currently we are using the free version and planning to upgrade.

    While testing we found New user registrations are automatically marked as verified if we turn off the New account Email notifications from Woo Commerce > settings > Emails > New account.

    No cache plugin is being used for now. Also the settings we are using inside the Email Verification for Woo Commerce Plugins are defined below:

    The two options are Un-checked.

    • Send as a separate email – Send verification as a separate email
    • Customer new account email – Delay Woo Commerce “Customer new account” email

    Please get back to this issue ASAP.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by Infoconic.

    Hi there,

    I am really sorry to know you are experiencing problems.

    I have escalated this with our development team. They will get back to you as soon as they can.



    This seems to be a very specific use case. In that situation, I believe you’ll need to enable the option “General > Account verification > Current registered users > Verify account for current users“.

    That will prevent new user registrations being marked as verified. However, these users won’t receive the verification emails to activate their account, so they should be verified manually by the administrator.

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