Payment Method still display with another product

Forums Payment Gateways per Products for WooCommerce Payment Method still display with another product

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  • #111957
    Tanja Germann

    Unfortunately, the plugin does not work. If I include a product tag, the payment method is still displayed, even if another product without this tag is in the shopping cart.

    Omar Dabbas
    Plugin Support

    Hi Tanja,

    Here you might need to try the other way around, disable that method from other tags and see, as the plugin has two modes:

    Allow all except…

    Disable all except…

    Give it a try and let us know, if you still face issues, please share screenshots of your settings and a link to that product.


    Tanja Germann

    But there are so many other tags.. i can’t do this 🙂 And what happens when i includes and exclude a tag at the same time?

    Omar Dabbas
    Plugin Support

    Hi Tanja,

    No problem, can you please give us more details on your setup? What is the desired result?

    Tag A should be allowed using gateway X, while all other tags shouldn’t see gateway X if in cart?

    Please also share screenshots of your current settings.


    Tanja Germann


    yes. Only TAG A can using Paymentgateway A, additionally. When in Cart is TAG A and TAG B, dann only Fallback gateway.

    I can upload images… post is no showing than.

    Omar Dabbas
    Plugin Support

    Hi Tanja,

    Okay, reset all settings please.

    On TAG A section, add PaymentGateway A to “Allowed”, don’t add anything to other tags.

    Now test on checkout with Tag A in cart, you will see gateway A, remove that product and add product from Tag B, you won’t see gateway A in checkout (at least, that’s how it should be).

    If you add Tag A & Tag B in cart, here you will need to define payment gateway A in fallback field (General tab).

    You can upload screenshots to this site and share links please.


    Tanja Germann

    So If TAG A is enabled, and in cart Payment Gateway A is showing… Okay

    So if TAG B is in cart, PaymentGateway A is not showing – okay.

    But if there TAG A & TAG B in cart, PaymentGateway A is showing – WRONG. Fallback is not working..

    Omar Dabbas
    Plugin Support

    Hi Tanja,

    Please send us to [email protected] with wp-admin access, the screenshots isn’t showing all settings (also please mention what each tag should see on checkout).


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