PayPal amount not showing decimal values

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  • #103949

    Hello…this plugin is working great for what I need it to do on my website…the cart totals are correct and are allowing customers to buy in steps of .5 units….however when you click the Proceed To PayPal button after confirming your cart total is correct…the information being fed to PayPal does NOT include the cost for those incremental units. So while the shopping cart shows 1.5 units in cart and the math is correct on the cart for what they owe…..when they hit the Proceed to PayPal button the information funneling to PayPal is as though there was only 1 unit in the cart. Is there a way to correct this? Thanks so much!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.
    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Laura,

    I’ve just re-checked it on my test server, but unfortunately couldn’t reproduce the issue. After adding 1.5 to the cart, the quantity in PayPal also shows 1.5, so it seems to be working fine here. I even tried to complete all the order to the end and it still shows 1.5 in my PayPal payment receipt. I’m using standard PayPal gateway (in sandbox mode) that comes with WooCommerce. Maybe you could send me the screenshot of the issue? Also – if possible maybe I could login to your server’s admin to check what’s going on? My private email is [email protected]

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