Percentage of extra costs from meta?

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  • #102948
    Cheryl Dimof

    I have a type of order that gets imported and it will not calculate the percentage based on payment method. I’m trying to use a percentage fee…is there any way to calculate a percentage of the amount that gets imported via a meta key and then add that as the extra cost?

    Plugin Support

    Hi Cheryl,

    Yes, for that, we have the option “Orders > Extra Costs: From Meta > Meta keys”.

    You just have to know the order meta key containing the cost value and add it to that option. And then, you’d have to recalculate the order costs.

    Let me know if you want more help.

    Cheryl Dimof

    OK, looks like that won’t work in this instance. I’d like it to automatically calculate a percentage fee on the subtotal for orders imported via a plugin.
    It looked like the default payment method for this was “check” and I verified with the plugin developer that the payment method was WooCommerce’s default “check.” I have that enabled as a payment method but do not use it for anything else. But it does not add any fees to these order based on the payment method. Other fees based on payment method work fine.

    Plugin Support

    So, you have tried our Shipping Methods section, right?

    If you have, but it still didn’t work, after you imported the orders did you try to recalculate the order costs using our Tools & Reports > Orders Tools > Recalculate orders cost and profit options?

    Cheryl Dimof

    I know about the shipping methods section, but that won’t work in this case, and I don’t think there’s a way to enter two shipping classes for an item (is there?) I’m already shipping methods to add flat fees on certain types of items. And I don’t want to assign one shipping class to all items just to capture imported orders.

    What I’m going for here is this:

    I import orders from Etsy. Etsy charges a 6.5% fee onto the price of the item plus shippping.

    By default, the orders get imported with the payment method of “check” — I checked with the plugin developers and this is the default “check” method in WooCommerce.

    So I added a 6.5% fee onto the “check” payment method — but it never gets the fees in the order.

    For other orders, payment fees work just fine. For now, I’ve been calculating the fee by hand, but I’d love the plugin to do this.

    I did run the recaculate tool, but it didn’t work with this issue.


    Plugin Support


    Sorry, I meant our “Payment gateway” section, not the “Shipping methods”.

    So after configuring the payment gateway section for the “check”, the orders imported from Etsy are still without costs, even after recalculating costs?

    That’s odd. Can you please try to enable the option “Advanced > Force costs update > Auto fill empty order items costs on order update” ?

    And then you can simply access an order imported from Etsy, and git the update button? If it works, probably the recalculate option will work as well.

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