Plugin issue with fixed quantity on Safari and Chrome

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Plugin issue with fixed quantity on Safari and Chrome

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  • #104895
    Christopher Mock

    Hi there.

    Is there a reason why the plugin works on Safari but not on Google Chrome? At least it seems to me that the fixed quantity doesn’t work well on both systems.

    Any ideas?

    Christopher Mock

    I might have to clarify. I works on Safari but if I want to add a fixed quantity to the cart on Chrome, it always only ads one item instead of the selected quantity.

    See here:


    Hi Christopher,

    The plugin works fine on Chrome (I assume even better than Safari), but this issue might be related to an incompatability between the plugin dropdown feature & theme, would you mind send us FTP access to [email protected]? We will be glad to fix this and include it in the plugin.


    Christopher Mock

    Hi Omar,

    I sent an email. Did you find anything to fix the issue?


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