I installed the plugin on my website. Normally I get a XML catalog from a company and I have to upload the products on my website. Despite the fact that I entered the setup as per the codes listed on your page, it does not work. Could you please help? Following is the code entered.
Admin title
XML Feed #1
XML header
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
<title><![CDATA[ Products Feed ]]></title>
XML item
<name>[alg_product_name cdata="yes"]</name>
<short_description>[alg_product_short_description cdata="yes"]</short_description>
<price>[alg_product_price multiply_by="1.5"]</price>
<image_url>[alg_product_image_url image_size="full"]</image_url>
[alg_product_gallery_image_url image_nr="1" before="<image_url_1>" after="</image_url_1>"]
<total_sales>[alg_product_meta name="total_sales"]</total_sales>
XML footer
Text item
[alg_product_image_url image_size="full"]
[alg_product_gallery_image_url image_nr="1" before="<image_url_1>" after="</image_url_1>"]
[alg_product_meta name="total_sales"]
XML file path and name
Text file path and name
Sorting: Order by
Sorting: Order
Variable products
Variable products only
Products scope
All products
Thsnk you
This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Omar Dabbas.